The Million Painter illustrates live for Mac Cosmetics „Art of the lip“ in Zürich, 02/04/2016
Posted by in Allgemein
Under the theme „Art of the lip“ Mac Cosmetics launched a new store in Zürich. For the opening ceremony at Alte Cigarettenfabrik, The Million Painter was invited to illustrate the lips of the guests.
(The Million Painter Phil Splash. Live-Art/Speedpainter/Portrait Painter from Munich.)
Unter dem Motto „Art of the Lip“ leröffnete Mac Cosmetics einen neuen Store in Zürich. Zu der Eröffnungsfeier wurde Der Millionen Maler eingeladen um die Lippen der Gäste zu illustrieren.
(Der Millionen Maler Phil Splash. Live-Künstler/Schnellzeichner/Portraitmaler aus München.)
10 Feb. 2016
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